Friday, 15 February 2013


By Dee Ali – The System Theory

Part 2



The theory of which the Human System has been infected with viruses makes me question as to why we became infected in the first place.

If it is true that the Human Race as it is now became infected due to a “glitch”, causing shifts in perception many ages ago, would that mean that mankind’s history throughout the centuries was, in fact, false?

It has been proven (in this decade) that each person has a different perception from another, so with this in mind; in order for mankind’s history to be of truth, then all of mankind (Human Systems) all around the world, would need to perceive a time in history all the same. 

However, because Human Systems have grown and evolved into separate entities to Natures Kingdom and now to each other, holding different perceptions, even if the same information was inputted, in the exact same way, all around the world, the information being received and registered within Human Minds, would be different to each and every individual Human Being.  

This can only lead me to conclude in the belief that everything the new generation of the Human Race has ever been taught to believe in, (whether it is relating to the history of mankind, religion, etc...), is completely false, because the information that is given is in theory and does not come from an individual perspective, but many perspectives rolled into one theory which may or may not have stemmed from actual proof.

Unless you were there when history was being made and you saw the situation for yourself, even if there is, so called, evidence of that time existing, there is still no real proof of that event in history ever happening. Even if the evidence may be shown on film, tools and objects found by archaeologists relating to that time in history, one can still question, whether the film which they are viewing, is of that time in history, considering the kind of technology which exists now?

All we have to go on is our individual perceptions of what we come to believe is true in relevance to our own individual lives we choose to live and how we choose to live it.

Check out this Video . TITLED: Life is an Illusion - Quantum Physics.


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