our gift to the world
All of this means, you can cause further reactions and activity within yourself which influences your house, which can cause a response of the same movement in your town followed by your city, your country and finally the world. It all starts with you. Let’s break it down:
Definition: e·mo·tion
– noun
1. an affective state of
consciousness in which joy,
sorrow, fear,
hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and
volitional states of consciousness
2. producing
point 3
3. Something
causes a reaction which determines your emotion,
which is cannot be helped, generating an outcome
Definition –
af-fec-tive – adjective
1. relating to, arising from, or influencing feelings
or emotions
These emotions, when not met or if gone unheard will trigger a reaction. Depending on your level of awareness (do you understand you hold the power?) this action distinguishes and determines the path (life) you choose for yourself. This then becomes the path you create for yourself and continue to create for others without even necessarily realising it, which originated as a result of it being introduced by a source that is unknown.
The want for social acceptance is instilled from birth, the mother does it to the child (example: dressing it in designer clothes – so the child fits in / suits the current form of conformity for her own form of social acceptance as the same was done to her and with this we are feeding the system.
As the child grows, some over time choose to conform whereas some are able to take the road they truly desire (awareness). Some find frustration around feeling they have to suppress their individuality in order to be accepted and sadly the fear that has been instilled has gotten so large the emotion is worn out and the easiest option for most is to conform and continue to conform. The aware have already established the following:
By the time the following emotion, confusion, is worn out, it has been on one path for so long, how can you truly know what it is that you want? This is where it comes down to; life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself. Some realise this sooner than others, but why do so many choose to conform to society’s expectation of how they think they should be, rather, than just being how they truly desire to be?
"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and only you. It was never between you and them anyway.”
The above is a taste of how I live my life and the active ingredient in our decision to create this community. It is a tool, enabling all to express freely without fear. To learn, adjust, grow, adapt and finally, re-enter. Doing this is an amazing gift; you’re outlook on everything will change, allowing full awareness of self and all other beings. Life becomes a better place.
This has been created to give people an outlet to explore the world and all within it, to disclose their thoughts, no matter how it’s been labelled: controversial, politically correct, socially incorrect, pft, labels are part of the old system. I say screw them and screw their system. As stated above, “it was never between you and them anyway” Make your own system, you’re the creator of your own path. I don’t know about you guys, but I want to get to the end thinking “My gosh that was an amazing ride and I did all – my way”
I hope that’s covered the origin of this community, if you have any outlooks of your own, please do share them with us. I think it’s time to grab that wine from the fridge or my personal favourite, strong double bourbon on ice and wait with anticipation. I really look forward to seeing what brilliant brains are out there and seeing the shift that this community will create. I hope you are starting to feel at home, mi casa es su casa.
Let the journey into questioning the systems (everything in existence) and the hidden ones that lie within begin. Passengers, please put on your seat belt, and hold on for one hell of a ride.
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