Friday, 8 February 2013


By Dee Ali - The System Theory

Part 1

Control Mechanisms

What are Humans?

We are animals, equal with all other animals and nature. 

We too need resources off the land, like all animals in nature’s kingdom in order to survive… However, what separates us from continuing to be equal, like the way it was intended to be from the beginning is what we humans as a race have chosen, or if not chosen, rather, forced to believe in.

Due to these beliefs being implemented into our human molecular structure over the centuries, it is difficult for these beliefs to be irradiated from our systems (bodies) as they now run through our blood and have been passed on from generation to generation.

If you can look at humans as systems, (in terms of computers) where the human brain is the switch board, eyes are the screen and the heart is the power supply, you could say that the human system has been infected by a serious virus that cannot be erased.  It can only be closely monitored and kept at a “low risk” level by allowing it to remain in the system to evolve until it wipes itself out.  Just in the same way that when we get the flue injection to make sure we do not get the flue, we inject ourselves with the same virus that we are trying to avoid getting.

We do this so that the blood system (where you could compare the red blood cells in the human body to the “enter” button on a keyboard for a computer and the white blood cells could be compared to the “delete” button) can learn to fight the virus off by becoming immune to it.
These beliefs I am referring to are:

  1.  Religion – (based on human nature, a man-made concept aimed at keeping the “soul” in check), which separates and segregates by its rules, theories and it’s all mighty power of good and evil.
  2. Money – (another form of religion, based on man-made materials, aimed at the “Ego”), which separates on a physical level with its power of creating rich and poor.

Although there are two points to my theory; one spiritual and the other physical; this particular virus in the human system cannot function without the other.
Hence, religion (point 1) was the initial virus and was fueled by money (point 2) in order to serve its true purpose.

My theory lies here within that religion was initially introduced into the human system to serve as a control mechanism to ensure that human beings remained equal to all that there is in this world, however, over time, this control mechanism grew out of control when the brains (switch boards) of some humans viewed or miss interpreted some of the information from the control mechanism, (let’s just say it was like a "glitch" in the system), causing the control mechanism inputted in those humans to be perceived differently, which caused a chain reaction to occur among the human race where some humans with these "glitches" would speak their perceptive theories on religion, further causing new theories of religion to evolve and change.

glitch - a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine: bug, flaw, fault, defect - an imperfection in an object or machine; "a flaw caused the crystal to shatter"; "if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer"

1. A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem; a snag: a computer glitch; a navigational  glitch; a glitch in the negotiations.
2. A false or spurious electronic signal caused by a brief, unwanted surge of electric power.
3. Astronomy A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star.

Because the control mechanisms in so many human systems where evolving and changing so rapidly with new and edited versions, something had to be done quickly to ensure the original system within humans remained in its original format and so, this is when money was introduced.

The reason of money being introduced into the human system was to gain control of the original control mechanism (religion) within the human brain and to ensure the authenticity in the data which was originally implemented to be restored to the belief in humans to remain as being equal to all that is in this world.  Its function is simply to separate the human race into two categories (initially)

  1. People who buy into the new theories and ways of the new control mechanisms (religion).
  2. People who continue on at believing and living as one, in equality with all in this world.
Money is then further implemented to break up the virus which has spread far and wide within the human system, so that it becomes easier to determine:

  1. Those of which cannot be repaired because they are too infected (will face death).
  2.  Those of which are faulty and need repair (will have near death experiences).
  3. Those of which are in no need of repair (will continue as they are).
Once money has completed its function within the human system, it will be reviewed to be either eradicated or be given a new task.

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