Sunday, 15 December 2013


I am on the train, sitting down on a window seat. Facing the opposite direction to the way the train is travelling.

Looking around as I usually do, I have realised that I have caught the last pack of peak hour travellers.

There are so many different looking types of people and surprisingly enough, I caught the eyes of a young lady who has big beady eyes, similar to the ones you see on the aliens depicted from the t.v. show "The x files"..

I try to look away, but it's as though her eyes have got a hold of me some how and I can't. Is she trying to say something to me through her eyes?


"I know you know... you know something that most others fail to see," I hear in my thoughts. Clearly not my own. "I am not just one, but one of many and that is only a minuit part of the bigger picture. We have been working hard to integrate amongst your kind for centuries. It is only in the last century that we have been successful in finding a way and it is working."

Right at that point as the last word entered my thoughts, our contact broke and my eyes where diverted over to another young lady sitting closer to me on my right.
She's dressed well, wearing a simple yet elegant black dress with large gold and bras jewelry, I guess to match the colour of her hair which is golden honey blond and her slightly tanned completion.
However, my eyes widen with a sense of disbelief surging through me. The female I have diverted my eyes to, has surprisingly similar features to the female I made eye contact with. Her eyes, the shape of her head, the  thinness of her figure, the colour of her eyes, the unusual smoothness of her skin, like it has been made to fit like glove then further trimmed and pulled back, the same dull limpness of the hair, with the same hair length and cut...

"I was staring, look away, look away!!" I think to myself, (obviously with my own inner voice).

Trying not to shake my head in disbelief as I look away, I've immediately caught my own eyes staring back at me from my reflection in the window I am sitting by, "YEP, that's it. Just look out the window," I just told myself.

Staring out the window, I can see people get up off there seats one group at a time with each train station stopped at.

"Not long to go now, halfway there", I'm thinking as the train draw's closer to another station to let passengers off. I look away from the window to the other to see the name of the train station which is coming up.

The train is coming to a complete stop, I look around to see a sign that names the station, instead, what am I seeing, the one girl I made eye contact with, get up off her seat.  She's glancing over to the other girl she made my eyes divert to, they're getting off their seats simultaneously, walking to the same exit and getting off at the same stop!! They are taking their first step onto the platform the same time, with the same foot first, right then left.

They appear to be strangers, but their similarities... The way they look (appearances) and the way they walk (gliding) through the ticket point at there exit, briefly looking at each other with no expression as they part ways in the opposite directions...

Just watching them, with consideration to the passing thoughts I just had throughout my train journey from the moment I made eye contact with "one of them" has sent a horribly terrifying feeling through my entire body.

What an experience.
It's left me with so many questions.

Why did my mind single out those two particular people?
Looking around, after that experience, I can notice so many different types of species of humans. I am living in a multi-cultural state, so seeing different people who come from the same background integrating into society while managing to segregate themselves to certain parts of the state where others of similar cultural backgrounds are, is nothing new. So, why, on this occasion has it left me feeling so terrified?

Are different species of alien beings cross breading themselves with the human species, behind close doors, to create a race of super beings to partake in this realm of life because their realm of reality has collapsed within their dimension? If so, what was the cause of the collapse within their dimension?

Is the reason why we have so many different types of species living on this planet due to the collapse of many dimensions on a variety of timelines throughout space that has caused different breeds of beings to escape into this realm to find sanctuary with the opportunity to grow in numbers within Earths caves, forests, coasts and wide rangers of open lands?
Maybe, the great ancestors of our great ancestors where all descendents of the stars? So they all came from somewhere within our galaxy but where travelling at different speeds and different frequencies to one anothere, even when on Earth until they where discovered by other beings and where forced to adjust there speed and frequency of the discoverers so that their existence would be recognised giving them a purpose for life... I guess they could just as easily disapear if they no longer felt like valued participants of the modern world... Maybe??

All that we see with our own eyes is believed to be true by the viewer, so if I can see so many different racial species around me, it would only be natural for me to assume that they are made up of the same particulars, with the same level of frequency discharge and absorption, combined with water and magnetism to physically and emotionally feel the bondage restraints of the gravitational pull towards the Earths surface, as I do?

I am human, aren't I?

Wow!! All this thought inside my head in a 15minute train ride home.

I'm at my stop now. End of the line.
Till next time...

By Dee Ali

Friday, 22 November 2013

Consciousness Science Kept Hidden

Click Here to Watch if link above does not work

This science is not kept hidden, by watching this I have not learnt anything new. This video has simply reconfirmed what I and what many, already believe to be true because they feel it so within themselves. But in saying that, I must admit that these sorts of documentaries are always fun to watch, just to get that sense of reconfirmation or have those thoughts and genetic memories re-lit.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Waiting patiently...

What is lost that can not be found within your spiritual self?

I find myself with a head ache, sorting through thoughts.

I cry.

Listening to them stage pass in my mind like flickers of imagery capturing snippets of past memories.

What is it I am trying to teach myself?

Could it be to recognise my past as regret?

To feel an emotion which is not apart of the human condition that will lead me to request or offer the position of specifications to give for a dutifully soul which can not be recognisable as my own self, yet is my very own to do as I wish... Waiting patiently...

What we know is not what we shall ever speak of.
Believe that it is true, for we feel it so.
Everything can be manifested into a realm of existance because if you believe in it, it already exists.
Waiting patiently on a different frequency, like a song playing on a radio with the volume turned down completely so you can not here it.
But you know it's still playing for those people who haven't tuned out, you know it's still there.

Thinking outside the box - food for thought, a method of *<<*

If you believe, it exists, waiting to be manifested into this realm of existence:

Click Here

Monday, 2 September 2013

G'day Mate :)

Well, good morning, good afternoon and good evening to all.

With Election Day just around the corner, it would be appropriate of me to write something profound. Perhaps something about politics and how you can never trust a politician, maybe something about the fact that if you look at the greater picture you will see that although both parties appear to be battling it out to have the most votes to gain a leadership position in parliament, they are actually playing on the same field, in the same game, for the same audience, on the same team.  

It bothers me to think that there are so many blind people out there in the world today. It seems to me that most have forgotten what really matters in life. 


The more I grow, I see more and more value put on Money than anything else in this world and it shits me to tears. 
The young are growing into greed and willingly turning themselves into slaves for it. (Now, that's a scary thought).

To think that all young are worshiping this material thing and turning themselves to the mercy of money because of all they see and are brought up to believe (on a deeper level), money is their savior, "the more you have the better off you will be", without money, you can not enjoy the little fine things in life, such as catching up with friends over a cup of coffee, or, have a roof over your head, eat, drink clean water, have access to technology that is considered an essential part of life these days, have clean clothes, or even have any clothes to wear in order to be accepted into this fucked up world we live in these days, that we have come to call reality. 

Lets face it, this world really is SHIT!! 

Until some Polly comes out telling the truth about how they plan to take this country into the "NEW WORLD ORDER" instead of "beating around the bush" with their empty promises and lies, no one has my vote.

I can't wait for the day when honesty prevails over deceit. 

Anyway, thats my crazy rant complete for today. 

All the best to every person who took the time out to read it.

As a final note from me: 
Always remember,
what ever is what ever,
And so what ever shall always be.
But, What ever can be done always has the capability of being undone.

May GOD be with you all, who or what ever your GOD may be.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Ask and you shall receive

If it is an answer you seek, u must ask a question that can be answered.
To ask the right question to get an answer for, the question must come from a place of uncertainty where you may already have an answer for. 
This uncertainty of the answer to the question you ask will be the reason for the questioning and will give shape to how the question is worded in order to receive the answer you are after, given that the question at hand is a question that can be answered. 

For example:


Q: How do I find inner peace?

A: In order to find inner peace, you must learn how to be silent.
You see, how can one Truely understand the concept of being at peace without silence? 
Through understanding what it is to be silent, you will understand what it is to have inner peace. Silence can be a powerful gift. A lot of expression can be exchanged with a simple glance and no words. 


If what is, is what was, what was is what is...

Saturday, 8 June 2013

A Poem for Life

Poem & Picture by Dee Ali

Give yourself a second


Relax and let your mind go
Feel the words that come out of your mouth
Have the words flow from your thoughts

These words of wisdom

These words that rhyme

Them out onto the World

Be free of clutter in your conscious mind

Journal of thoughts

To put it simply,
The System Theory is a journal of my thoughts.

If you like what you read, then please do share.

My entries are simply to raise questions within us all and are a way of simply expressing thought through writing. 

Throughout my blog entries I will express my opinions, my views and ideas on the subjects I may be addressing, however, these ideas are just that. 

Please keep in mind that all theories expressed by me are from my own drawn conclusions of what I have lived to learn through life experienced and what I write on this blog is lessons learned with conclusions formed from my perspective.

Thank you all for your continued support and always remember:

"Through Thought Is How We All Truly Connect"

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Is Everything Ok?

What do I say to that?? 
Is "Yes" the answer?
Perhaps, there is no right way to answer that question.. 

"Is Everything Ok?"

Is that to be asked, if I have connected with all that surrounds me? to which I would be able to answer that question in all honesty...
So, would a better interpretation of the question being asked be: 
"Are You Ok?"
In which, I must answer according to how I am perceiving myself to be.. 
The answer to which I give as, "Yes, I am well, Thank You for asking."

I'm sure you all have wondered, at some point in your lives, why it is that we most often say things out of content when we do not put much thought into the words that come out of our mouths to express particular emotion.. 
The answer is because we, as human systems, have been subconsciously programmed to make these silly mistakes.
It is away of a particular adaption in the mindset to take a hold and the belief systems within our minds to develop an idea, that sets into our very core; which is the belief that no body is perfect.

Now, with that being stated, I must continue to state that perfection of ones self, wholly, may feel like quite a large task to accomplish, unless you feel the sudden urge to become a monk, priest or closer to God by giving up so much as what you have come to establish as living a normal life. 

Please take into consideration, that if, from the beginning of time, mankind was created by a God, in the image of God (being of a perfect nature), would that not mean that we, as Human Beings, be created in a perfect nature, as God intended us to be? 

To have the belief that no one is perfect, is to say that God is not perfect. God and all that makes up a God, is not equal within a Gods self. Therefore, creating an energy of unbalanced equilibrium within ourselves, with all that surrounds us and in turn, the universe. 

I want you all to wake up!!
We are all created equal!! 

Those who make it their life's mission to control the majority, know this.
They have complete knowledge of them selves, in turn, having the knowledge of others. They believe that they are one with all that surrounds them, they see the equality in themselves and with all that surrounds them, which ultimately, put them in control of all that surrounds them. 

The big secrete "they" know and don't want you to find out, is this. 
"They" don't want you to know and to start believing that you are equal to them.
That you are equal with all that surrounds you and that with a collective thinking mentality, we as Human Systems, have the capability to alter our surroundings, through thought alone. 

We, collectively, need to start believing in God (not as a man) as being the Universe in which we inhabit.  Start to believe in ourselves as perfect beings, who do not need to be governed by power hungry, control obsessors.  
Lets face it, if we were left alone with no governance over basic human rights, there would be no wars. 
Imagine every Living Being had a piece of land and shelter they could call home. No one went hungry, because every man woman and child had enough land to share with their fellow man, to breed their own live stock, which also had enough land to produce organic fruit and vegetables... 

I can hear you already thinking... 
"How would anyone be able to progress from living such a basic life?" 
Well, that's the thing, no one would feel the need to progress because there would be no monetary system, no pressure of having to wake up early to rush to a job that you don't want to do, which makes people feel empty inside, because, you would be waking up early to feed the live stock. You would take care of every animal and every part of your families lands needs as you do for your self because, you see, you are equal with all that surrounds you, on earth and in the universe. 
There will be no money as your reward for taking care of your land and animals, but you will be rewarded with a much more satisfying reward than money any way for your services, that being, the true nature of what it is to be completely free and happy, to feel a real, true sense of what it is to be of God in a world of equilibrium, on this planet.   
So, it would be fare that when asked the question of "is Everything Ok?" 
In that scenario, only, you will be able to answer accordingly and with all honesty,
"Yes, Everything is all Good, Thank you for asking"

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Another way of looking at life

What are we
But mere atoms
In this vast body
Of what we call 
A universe.

Consciousness A Sound Vibration


Click Here
if the above clip does not work
I also recommend this one by Dr.Quantum - THE REAL SELF BEHIND THE EGO

Click Here
if the clip above does not work

I really hope these work because there is much more to come. 
Please, if the clips do not work when you press play or you can not see the play button on your mobile device or if it is not compatible with your system, click where it states "Click Here" and you should be redirected to view the video.
I will be posting Videos that document the History of mankind, actual real life footage of Alien sightings and videos of the conspiracy behind Alien sightings, which debunk the theory of aliens all together. 

Esoteric Agenda-Full Length Movie.


if the above does no work

The System Theories Little Intro Note for Video Posts

I've noticed lately that a lot of people these days enjoy pretty pictures to go with their reading material or have video evidence to support ideas expressed in articles.
I have always been a liberal thinker and most of what I have always believed in (sometimes without any physical evidence to support it) has now, (thanks to like minded people who are creative and techno savvy enough to put documentaries together on YouTube), have reconfirmed my beliefs and also raised more questions within me to make me feel like I can make a difference in this world.
Because I value these videos, the people behind them who make the videos and the message within these videos I have been  watching on YouTube, I have decided to share them with you all. 
So sit back, enjoy, watch them and tell me what you think of them and if you like, share them on your page or with friends... 

Monday, 4 March 2013

An Aliens Report on the Human Species

I was browsing online this morning and came across this report.
I found it to be a very interesting way to express ones inner theories. 

Click the link below to read the report.

Monday, 18 February 2013


By Dee Ali – The System Theory


I have all the time in the world on my side yet it still seems to possess every aspect of my thoughts and energy. I feel as if I could close my eyes for just a moment and a year would go by and still feel as though I have nothing but time on my side.
Nothing but a concept of determining past, present and future, put into practice on a global scale manifesting as constraints on the serving Humans, it has evolved into living energy that ages one mind, spirit and body.
Imagine a world without time.
Imagine life in a world without time.
All that would be in existence is the here and now.
Imagine living a life on a day to day basis as if each breath you took, from the moment you woke, being infinite.
Not having the thought of living to a certain age or feeling rushed to be somewhere, doing something and you took that moment of your first breath in the morning to appreciate the fact that you are breathing, feeling the air travelling though your nose or mouth, filling your lungs.
It’s moments like that, which makes time worthy of its title. If not for those moments (those simple, yet amazingly awesome moments), where appreciation for the pure simplicity of life itself comes into play, all else is rendered useless, unnecessary and most of all, insignificant in comparison.

“As much as I like to think that time is on my side, I know it’s my worst enemy!”
As a serving human, I can’t seem to wake up on time, to make appointments on time, or get to work on time... 
I find myself taking longer than usual lunch breaks, or when working, I may even find that I rarely seem to finish on time...
I look at my watch regularly, set alarms, schedule activities in prioritising order according to dates and times...and yet...time, catches up with me during activates.
I rush to get things done, but in doing so, I don’t get the job done properly, because I know it’s rushed...
I take my time o get the job done correctly and I fall behind...
I’m sure all can relate to these kinds of short comings when relying on time as all serving humans do...
Surely, time is mocking us all, making a joke out of our lives?
Maybe it is making a mockery out of our lives, making a basic statement to all serving humans that we should stop believing in such false “Gods”, or even making a statement that because serving humans live by it (TIME) to the minute, it is laughing in our faces saying “I RULE YOU ALL!”
We should all learn to laugh along, instead of getting frustrated, stressed and angry. Don’t give into its evil ways of constraint. Positive thoughts create positive energy, after all.

Friday, 15 February 2013


By Dee Ali – The System Theory

Part 2



The theory of which the Human System has been infected with viruses makes me question as to why we became infected in the first place.

If it is true that the Human Race as it is now became infected due to a “glitch”, causing shifts in perception many ages ago, would that mean that mankind’s history throughout the centuries was, in fact, false?

It has been proven (in this decade) that each person has a different perception from another, so with this in mind; in order for mankind’s history to be of truth, then all of mankind (Human Systems) all around the world, would need to perceive a time in history all the same. 

However, because Human Systems have grown and evolved into separate entities to Natures Kingdom and now to each other, holding different perceptions, even if the same information was inputted, in the exact same way, all around the world, the information being received and registered within Human Minds, would be different to each and every individual Human Being.  

This can only lead me to conclude in the belief that everything the new generation of the Human Race has ever been taught to believe in, (whether it is relating to the history of mankind, religion, etc...), is completely false, because the information that is given is in theory and does not come from an individual perspective, but many perspectives rolled into one theory which may or may not have stemmed from actual proof.

Unless you were there when history was being made and you saw the situation for yourself, even if there is, so called, evidence of that time existing, there is still no real proof of that event in history ever happening. Even if the evidence may be shown on film, tools and objects found by archaeologists relating to that time in history, one can still question, whether the film which they are viewing, is of that time in history, considering the kind of technology which exists now?

All we have to go on is our individual perceptions of what we come to believe is true in relevance to our own individual lives we choose to live and how we choose to live it.

Check out this Video . TITLED: Life is an Illusion - Quantum Physics.


Friday, 8 February 2013


By Dee Ali - The System Theory

Part 1

Control Mechanisms

What are Humans?

We are animals, equal with all other animals and nature. 

We too need resources off the land, like all animals in nature’s kingdom in order to survive… However, what separates us from continuing to be equal, like the way it was intended to be from the beginning is what we humans as a race have chosen, or if not chosen, rather, forced to believe in.

Due to these beliefs being implemented into our human molecular structure over the centuries, it is difficult for these beliefs to be irradiated from our systems (bodies) as they now run through our blood and have been passed on from generation to generation.

If you can look at humans as systems, (in terms of computers) where the human brain is the switch board, eyes are the screen and the heart is the power supply, you could say that the human system has been infected by a serious virus that cannot be erased.  It can only be closely monitored and kept at a “low risk” level by allowing it to remain in the system to evolve until it wipes itself out.  Just in the same way that when we get the flue injection to make sure we do not get the flue, we inject ourselves with the same virus that we are trying to avoid getting.

We do this so that the blood system (where you could compare the red blood cells in the human body to the “enter” button on a keyboard for a computer and the white blood cells could be compared to the “delete” button) can learn to fight the virus off by becoming immune to it.
These beliefs I am referring to are:

  1.  Religion – (based on human nature, a man-made concept aimed at keeping the “soul” in check), which separates and segregates by its rules, theories and it’s all mighty power of good and evil.
  2. Money – (another form of religion, based on man-made materials, aimed at the “Ego”), which separates on a physical level with its power of creating rich and poor.

Although there are two points to my theory; one spiritual and the other physical; this particular virus in the human system cannot function without the other.
Hence, religion (point 1) was the initial virus and was fueled by money (point 2) in order to serve its true purpose.

My theory lies here within that religion was initially introduced into the human system to serve as a control mechanism to ensure that human beings remained equal to all that there is in this world, however, over time, this control mechanism grew out of control when the brains (switch boards) of some humans viewed or miss interpreted some of the information from the control mechanism, (let’s just say it was like a "glitch" in the system), causing the control mechanism inputted in those humans to be perceived differently, which caused a chain reaction to occur among the human race where some humans with these "glitches" would speak their perceptive theories on religion, further causing new theories of religion to evolve and change.

glitch - a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine: bug, flaw, fault, defect - an imperfection in an object or machine; "a flaw caused the crystal to shatter"; "if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer"

1. A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem; a snag: a computer glitch; a navigational  glitch; a glitch in the negotiations.
2. A false or spurious electronic signal caused by a brief, unwanted surge of electric power.
3. Astronomy A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star.

Because the control mechanisms in so many human systems where evolving and changing so rapidly with new and edited versions, something had to be done quickly to ensure the original system within humans remained in its original format and so, this is when money was introduced.

The reason of money being introduced into the human system was to gain control of the original control mechanism (religion) within the human brain and to ensure the authenticity in the data which was originally implemented to be restored to the belief in humans to remain as being equal to all that is in this world.  Its function is simply to separate the human race into two categories (initially)

  1. People who buy into the new theories and ways of the new control mechanisms (religion).
  2. People who continue on at believing and living as one, in equality with all in this world.
Money is then further implemented to break up the virus which has spread far and wide within the human system, so that it becomes easier to determine:

  1. Those of which cannot be repaired because they are too infected (will face death).
  2.  Those of which are faulty and need repair (will have near death experiences).
  3. Those of which are in no need of repair (will continue as they are).
Once money has completed its function within the human system, it will be reviewed to be either eradicated or be given a new task.

WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL- Intro to Theories by Dee Ali


The majority of my life I have been searching for a purpose, a reason, answers to why and how. Believing in the impossible and creating ideas in my own mind of how and why things have occurred in my life time and just how they came about to exist as the way it all is NOW.

Through years of personal research and life experience, I have managed to draw some radical conclusions to the point of which I could not explain to others, yet find myself expressing theories on particular topics which many would consider extremely controversial.

I believe that there cannot be a right or wrong way of expressing ones thoughts and ideas, because there are many theories from many others throughout time as to how we as a human species came to be. My fascination with other peoples theories has lead me to ask the question of how these other theories on life and the human species came about.

From asking myself that question, I have learnt to accept that these other theories are just that of nature.  


In definition:

a supposition (a belief held without proof or certain knowledge; an assumption or hypothesis ) 
or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained: Darwin’s theory of evolution

Hence, the title I have chosen to express my theories, here within is an extension of my personal belief systems, where I have removed myself from my body, taken other theories into consideration through acceptance, appreciation and understanding, in order to express my theories on a broader scale.

I can guarantee that, although you may be familiar with some of the topics I will cover, you will not have read any theory on these pressing subjects quite like the way I will present them to you.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


By Sarah Baker - The System Theory

can you be conscious?

Thought - Do you actually know how to be conscious? Are your thoughts / beliefs really YOURS? 

How can you know something that seems to be unknown to most in this lifetime?

Have a read of the next paragraph. It is short and can be easily overlooked, however it does provide an example of - there is no such thing as a sure thing - in short - a fact. 

"In fact, quantum theory suggests that"…...???

Now, is anyone else out there thinking well, contradiction much? How the hell can there be a theory inside a fact? You would think it would make the so called “fact” invalid right?

If you have the same response as I did, well to put it simply my response is yay!!!! Quickly followed by a sigh of relief haha!

Look at how the definition of the word "fact" seems to change….

Definition – "fact"

1. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.

2. facts may be checked by reason, experiment, personal experience, or may be argued from authority. ......Um???????

3. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.

4. law: often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence

Now don’t get me wrong, there are things out there that say (so called "facts" to support the process) A + B does = C ...but for how long? 

Ask yourself this, are things really that simple? Do you really think so? Don't be naive.

Does C truly = C?

If so, how can you really be sure, REALLY sure?

We both know you can't ever really be sure about anything.


Information given in student text books is considered to be “true” only at the time the book is published, as in that moment it was fact, however over time things just keep getting revised - which in turn leads to these "facts" being updated.

All we know is true, until it is no longer true, due to further information being found.

We base our current evolutionary theory of when humans diverged from apes on the fossil record. But every time a new fossil is found, the date gets pushed back and this is how they justified it:

"The age of fossils is based on radiocarbon dating which is justified by reasoning that radioactive decay follows a Poisson process rather than a Bernoulli process"

Scientific theories are considered to be “works in progress” 

However, a lot of people see science simply as a way to find the facts.

Once the scientists think they have all the information required to call it a so called “fact” which yes at the time, they do come to conclusions and call them facts, however they only remain facts until further information is gathered.The point can then go one of two ways; to either still remain valid or it can be completely void.

Is there something we are missing and we just haven’t found the answers yet?

Which leads me to the question: can we complete the puzzle and who has the pieces?

What are we missing? Who has the answers??? Is there something we are not being told? 

Now puppets, oh yes can’t leave them out. Hahaha, I'm sitting here writing this and all I need to say are those first few words and the side to side, head down, accompanying the look that says, “oh my, how unfortunatehead shake begins.

If you are reading this and thinking, “silly conspiracy people, what are they on about now?” or rather “oh my Jonathan (yes people on instead of an - I'm trying for a stick up the bum voice here), these silly young chaps are talking about conspiracies again, oh my, how ridiculous, when oh when will they give up?

Unfortunately if you had these thoughts or ones similar, then you are one of them and for that (the head shake begins again) I truly do feel for you, as you have sadly fallen victim and succumbed to the system and in that, have forgotten your own.

I bet you are still reading though. Go on, keep reading, you know you are thinking ...wait she has a point.

Ridiculous? Please explain? What's that? You can’t.

You’re sitting there thinking “oh yes I can”. Let me tell you something right now, you can’t.

Take a second to remove your head from that dark place and think about it, not just for a second, take a moment to actually think, ask questions, your questions, I promise I won’t tell mummy :P

Every question is layered by another, these questions seem to be never ending as every question leads to a theory, which sometimes lead to these so called "facts"

"Facts" that keep being updated. Update a fact....what the duce people!!!!!

Isn't that the point your all trying to say: "it's a fact" - how can a fact be later changed??? - DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

Everything is covered in a way that leaves all "facts" open for alteration.

If you think you have a answer, let me know, I would love to put an end to this madness! 

But if you can’t be open to what’s outside your dictated system and you can’t even accept the possibility of that then you will not be able to deal with the content that will be shown here.

Simply because I fear your head may implode! And I just can’t have that.

This is where we (people with their own thoughts, that aren't afraid to voice them as they have made themselves aware) will discuss all of the unknown.

Sometimes the baby bird needs to jump out of the nest on its own - SO JUMP!

Allowing us to consider, all the possibilities of all that is possible, which essentially does mean….anything is possible.

Now, enough of my little rant, come on, IT'S YOUR TURN :)

THE SYSTEM THEORY - Intro to Theories By Sarah Baker

By Sarah Baber - The System Theory

our gift to the world

Each emotion creates a responding reaction which in turn generates a response/future path from the set reaction. When you have a strong emotion of say excitement, similar emotions are going to follow. This shows how your emotions are going to determine your thoughts and therefore your intellect and finally your actions. It shows that emotions cannot be completely controlled and therefore are going to change your thoughts and therefore your intelligence and your intelligence affects your actions.

All of this means, you can cause further reactions and activity within yourself which influences your house, which can cause a response of the same movement in your town followed by your city, your country and finally the world. It all starts with you. Let’s break it down:

Definition: e·mo·tion – noun

1.         an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness

2.         producing point 3

3.         Something causes a reaction which determines your emotion, which is cannot be helped, generating an outcome

Definition – af-fec-tive – adjective

1.            relating to, arising from, or influencing feelings or emotions

These emotions, when not met or if gone unheard will trigger a reaction. Depending on your level of awareness (do you understand you hold the power?) this action distinguishes and determines the path (life) you choose for yourself. This then becomes the path you create for yourself and continue to create for others without even necessarily realising it, which originated as a result of it being introduced by a source that is unknown.

The want for social acceptance is instilled from birth, the mother does it to the child (example: dressing it in designer clothes – so the child fits in / suits the current form of conformity for her own form of social acceptance as the same was done to her and with this we are feeding the system.
As the child grows, some over time choose to conform whereas some are able to take the road they truly desire (awareness).  Some find frustration around feeling they have to suppress their individuality in order to be accepted and sadly the fear that has been instilled has gotten so large the emotion is worn out and the easiest option for most is to conform and continue to conform. The aware have already established the following:

By the time the following emotion, confusion, is worn out, it has been on one path for so long, how can you truly know what it is that you want? This is where it comes down to; life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself. Some realise this sooner than others, but why do so many choose to conform to society’s expectation of how they think they should be, rather, than just being how they truly desire to be?

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and only you. It was never between you and them anyway.” 

The above is a taste of how I live my life and the active ingredient in our decision to create this community. It is a tool, enabling all to express freely without fear. To learn, adjust, grow, adapt and finally, re-enter. Doing this is an amazing gift; you’re outlook on everything will change, allowing full awareness of self and all other beings. Life becomes a better place.

This has been created to give people an outlet to explore the world and all within it, to disclose their thoughts, no matter how it’s been labelled: controversial, politically correct, socially incorrect, pft, labels are part of the old system. I say screw them and screw their system. As stated above, “it was never between you and them anyway” Make your own system, you’re the creator of your own path. I don’t know about you guys, but I want to get to the end thinking “My gosh that was an amazing ride and I did all – my way”

I hope that’s covered the origin of this community, if you have any outlooks of your own, please do share them with us. I think it’s time to grab that wine from the fridge or my personal favourite, strong double bourbon on ice and wait with anticipation. I really look forward to seeing what brilliant brains are out there and seeing the shift that this community will create. I hope you are starting to feel at home, mi casa es su casa.

Let the journey into questioning the systems (everything in existence) and the hidden ones that lie within begin. Passengers, please put on your seat belt, and hold on for one hell of a ride.