Saturday 8 June 2013

A Poem for Life

Poem & Picture by Dee Ali

Give yourself a second


Relax and let your mind go
Feel the words that come out of your mouth
Have the words flow from your thoughts

These words of wisdom

These words that rhyme

Them out onto the World

Be free of clutter in your conscious mind

Journal of thoughts

To put it simply,
The System Theory is a journal of my thoughts.

If you like what you read, then please do share.

My entries are simply to raise questions within us all and are a way of simply expressing thought through writing. 

Throughout my blog entries I will express my opinions, my views and ideas on the subjects I may be addressing, however, these ideas are just that. 

Please keep in mind that all theories expressed by me are from my own drawn conclusions of what I have lived to learn through life experienced and what I write on this blog is lessons learned with conclusions formed from my perspective.

Thank you all for your continued support and always remember:

"Through Thought Is How We All Truly Connect"

Sunday 2 June 2013

Is Everything Ok?

What do I say to that?? 
Is "Yes" the answer?
Perhaps, there is no right way to answer that question.. 

"Is Everything Ok?"

Is that to be asked, if I have connected with all that surrounds me? to which I would be able to answer that question in all honesty...
So, would a better interpretation of the question being asked be: 
"Are You Ok?"
In which, I must answer according to how I am perceiving myself to be.. 
The answer to which I give as, "Yes, I am well, Thank You for asking."

I'm sure you all have wondered, at some point in your lives, why it is that we most often say things out of content when we do not put much thought into the words that come out of our mouths to express particular emotion.. 
The answer is because we, as human systems, have been subconsciously programmed to make these silly mistakes.
It is away of a particular adaption in the mindset to take a hold and the belief systems within our minds to develop an idea, that sets into our very core; which is the belief that no body is perfect.

Now, with that being stated, I must continue to state that perfection of ones self, wholly, may feel like quite a large task to accomplish, unless you feel the sudden urge to become a monk, priest or closer to God by giving up so much as what you have come to establish as living a normal life. 

Please take into consideration, that if, from the beginning of time, mankind was created by a God, in the image of God (being of a perfect nature), would that not mean that we, as Human Beings, be created in a perfect nature, as God intended us to be? 

To have the belief that no one is perfect, is to say that God is not perfect. God and all that makes up a God, is not equal within a Gods self. Therefore, creating an energy of unbalanced equilibrium within ourselves, with all that surrounds us and in turn, the universe. 

I want you all to wake up!!
We are all created equal!! 

Those who make it their life's mission to control the majority, know this.
They have complete knowledge of them selves, in turn, having the knowledge of others. They believe that they are one with all that surrounds them, they see the equality in themselves and with all that surrounds them, which ultimately, put them in control of all that surrounds them. 

The big secrete "they" know and don't want you to find out, is this. 
"They" don't want you to know and to start believing that you are equal to them.
That you are equal with all that surrounds you and that with a collective thinking mentality, we as Human Systems, have the capability to alter our surroundings, through thought alone. 

We, collectively, need to start believing in God (not as a man) as being the Universe in which we inhabit.  Start to believe in ourselves as perfect beings, who do not need to be governed by power hungry, control obsessors.  
Lets face it, if we were left alone with no governance over basic human rights, there would be no wars. 
Imagine every Living Being had a piece of land and shelter they could call home. No one went hungry, because every man woman and child had enough land to share with their fellow man, to breed their own live stock, which also had enough land to produce organic fruit and vegetables... 

I can hear you already thinking... 
"How would anyone be able to progress from living such a basic life?" 
Well, that's the thing, no one would feel the need to progress because there would be no monetary system, no pressure of having to wake up early to rush to a job that you don't want to do, which makes people feel empty inside, because, you would be waking up early to feed the live stock. You would take care of every animal and every part of your families lands needs as you do for your self because, you see, you are equal with all that surrounds you, on earth and in the universe. 
There will be no money as your reward for taking care of your land and animals, but you will be rewarded with a much more satisfying reward than money any way for your services, that being, the true nature of what it is to be completely free and happy, to feel a real, true sense of what it is to be of God in a world of equilibrium, on this planet.   
So, it would be fare that when asked the question of "is Everything Ok?" 
In that scenario, only, you will be able to answer accordingly and with all honesty,
"Yes, Everything is all Good, Thank you for asking"