Friday, 24 March 2017

Everything is Temporary

Expansion of the mind is quite difficult when you've been asleep for so long that even your realty feels like a lucid dream.

But keeping that in mind, dreaming in itself would mean that my mind has control of the paths taken and can altumately stear us in the direction to determine whether or not it will be a good time or a nightmare.

So as an exercise I have given myself to take, as a way to expand my consciousness, is to put my mind set to how a 15 year old girl would Perceive the world and interact with it.

I ask...
Every day  I wake up from a slumber into this world, is it really death I'm feeling or is it actually life?

Everyday that passes in this overly controlled world, I look around at others and see sadness, oppression of souls, enslavement. When asked if they are happy, they answer yes... what is happiness?
Answers come back as the key to happiness is acceptance.


I will not accept that.

Just recently started playing a game called "Who's dead and who's dieing inside".

Conclusion : 99% of people i witness going about their everyday life's are infact dead or dieing, including myself.
It's quite amusing..

I can accept this and it actually makes me laugh.

Simply knowing that when I sleep I have the oppertunity to escape the restraints of everyday life brings me happiness.

I get asked questions like:
"If your not happy with your life, why don't you change it? "

What a stupid question!
Change it to what?

Get a new boyfriend?
Get a new job?
Start thinking of yourself for a change?
Get a haircut, make yourself feel more positive and confident.

Don't ya get it??

Its all the same thing!!!
Only different variations.


Sorry for feeling like Death is just around the corner.
Sorry for not being able to think about just myself.

I am a Universal Thinker!! And sometimes I feel like I'm the only one.

I hate this world we all live in.
Just to clarify :

I love this Earth, I love the Universe, I love the fact that as beings occupying this planet we have so many beautiful qualities and abilities to create a Eutpia, but instead have surprssed our true nature to realise our potential and have accepted this reality that's full of hate, disaster, pain, greed, fear, control..

Death... is the only way out.
Sleep forever...

Perhaps a New World Order is nessasary?...

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