Its been awhile since writing anything on my blog. I guess its because life has caught up with me once again and I really haven't had a chace to just relax and let my mind go.
But, here I am again.
What have I learnt in the last good few months?
Well, there was a global change expected to come our way at the end of September, beginning of October, which apparently was intended to shift the magnetic field of the planet due to the Sun releasing a sonic UV flare off its surface further causing the absorption rate of energy in Beings of all nature on Earth to be greater then it would usually be, which would lead to a mass awakening of minds like the one we experienced in 2012.
(Look up: 28th September 2015, what happened on. Doomsday. CERN)
I remember seeing a report some time ago now, maybe about 20 or so years ago, it was either on TV or Radio (I think)an archeologist interviewing an old wise man of Egyptian decent about the worlds discoveries of what lays beneath the Great Pyramids of Egypt and what we can learn about their structures. He said (this is not a direct quote)that the pyramids are a gateway to another realm, the Gods of this world are buried within, their bodies preserved or mummified as a representation of their purity and strength, offering themselves as worthy candidates to pass through to a higher existence of being. Further more, if you look around the tomes you will most likely find other offerings such as Gold, crystals and jewels as a representation of their power. Also, drawings on the walls inside the pyramids to depict each individual who has come to be mummified and burried in the pyramids journey, beforehand and after.
From examaning these pictures and having a general understanding of the history behind each body found so far in the pyramids, thanks to modern day archiologist, it is clear to state that each individual buried in the pyramids worshiped the stars and planets. They considered themselves as God like figures during their time on Earth drawing their energy from what ever the star or planet they worshiped and they beleived that when their time on Earth was up, they would ascend to the planet or star they worshiped.
The most prominent Planet of worship from those times was the Sun.
Now, as remarkable as most discoveries are, our curiosity and thirst for learning will always remain and the knowledged can always inform the inquisative, (I agree that there is nothing like hard evidence to support any teaching)but, since the begining of time in my existance, I have always felt that the pyramids and everthing within it is sacred and the tomes should not be disturbed.
It amazed and shocked me to see with my own two eyes that my feelings towards that was true.
On the pyramid walls as you make your way to a burried mummified tome, you will see depicted, warnings against disturbances. Destruction of civilizations (enslavement) under dog faced rulers who bark out orders, the arrival of false Gods (UFOs and Alien beings) and the collapse of reality as we know it.
This old wise man, I'm presuming has past way since. The point I'm trying to make here is that it hasn't just been this old wise man that has warned against digging up and disturbing the ancients by removing them from their burial ground to put them into display at museums around the world. Even the great Emporas of the past had a spiritual connection with the planet they worshiped, which was the Earth, (thats what made them so great) they knew better than to disturb "THE GODS" Instead, they built structures similar to the Pyramids as a sign of Honor and showed their respect by warning otheres who chose to disrespect the elements of nature and the rules of nature by feeding them to the demons bound to the Earth.
(Thats why you may find great statues of these demonds built inside these temple like structures, mostly with fossilized human remains at the feet of them as most of the executions would have been done standing directly under these statutes depending on what the persons sin was as there was many different types of statues of demons built. These statues where not only there as a place to kill sinners, but also a place for which the spirit of the demon could embody to absorb the blood and dark energy that would be spilled by the sinners and the executioners.)
You could say that this was like a sacrificial offering to theses demons, which in turn gave the Emporas even more untold powers as a token of gratitude by these demons which (I would like to assume) was a way of balancing out the good and the bad that existed in those times.
The only thing I can think of, which would have changed the course of mankind to the very existance we have today would have been one, only one of whom would have been extreamly greedy, who would have wanted more power than anyone or anything before him, more worshipers, more knowledge and would have been as stubborn as hell to achieve these goals.
From then to now days, what do we have? Pollaticians, who have some how been voted into power by the people and cooperations of their country or state, the last remainders of Monarchs holding on to dear life while hoping not to be miss judged by other countries as being completely useless in playing a role in modern day leadership or for having so called extremist veiws as to not be labeled a terrorist by the very people who started the war on terrorism so long ago.
What is it that we see so much of these days that has caused the general public to mistrust and turn a blind eye to our leaders??
These are the very same people who are in the position they are in because we have given them the power to be (living in a democratic society, this is why we have election day).
What is happening to us. The people of the Earth? Could it be true that we have become so abundant that all our thoughts and feelings of what we once beleived ourselves to be is no longer a thing we think of anymore?
It just two days ago, I saw a news report stating; now that technology has advanced so much, as it has, the pyramids where going to be revisited to once and for all unlock the mysteries of the pyramids by revealing the hidden pathways and exploring the never before seen tomes. They also mentioned in the report that the archiologists, scientists and technicians where all going to be working together to figure out how the pyramids where built.
As far as I have been made aware, the construction of the pyramids has already been solved.
(Watch Ancient History, a six part documentary on YouTube. All parts)
You see as facinating as it would be to solve the mysteries of the pyramids and as the eagerness to learn takes over, it would be better that the information which we already have be presented to these inquisative minds.
Like I said before, the knowledged can always inform the inquisative.
I guess in that sense, it would be up to the inquisative to ask the right people the questions they need to get the answers they're looking for.
How far back can we, with the use of modern technology, can we trace modern day monarchy blood lines?
Perhaps, the very people who already know the truths about ancient Egyptian times are the very people who keep them secrete. Or maybe, they haven't said anything about it because no one has asked. Even still, perhaps its no secrete at all, with ancient knowledge past down through the history of man, all in plane view, all the inquisative have to do is open their eyes, learn to read the symbols that surround us every day and take time out to be one and equal with everything as to realize that as a spiritual being, in order to build such a monumental structure such as the pyramids, you must listen to the Earths wind and feel its megnetic pull to understand why the pyramids were built in the location they were chosen to be placed.
Most importantly, they need to stary thinking like a spiritual being and have in mind that where ever the spirit goes, the body shall always follow.
Thanks for reading.
Dee Ali
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