Thursday, 22 January 2015

My Theory on the "9 code"

If 9 is a universal number, then life must move to the rhythm of 9. Where every event that occurs, does so within a cycle period of the Universe (9 times), when it reaches around to 1 again, something major will occur with relevance to the event in question.

Given this theory, when in a gambling situation, I would assume that you may win once out of the 9 times you play and on the 10th time you bet (10 being 1 in Universal terms; 1 + 0 = 1), you are either going to win big or something tragic could happen and you loose more money then you won within that cycle of 9 from the time you placed your first bet.

Which brings into question the theory of chance.
Is there such a thing as chance if you are aware of the cycle that is playing out?

I'd suppose that the answer would be a bit of YES and NO.

YES, because you still don't know what the outcome of the events will be at the end of each cycle.

NO, because anyone who is aware of the power of 9 is also aware of the fact that we have the power within us to direct the outcome of any event dependent on the kind of energy you put focus on to it, whether it being positive or negative in nature and how much energy you invest in it.

I put my theory to the test by playing a card game 9 times in 9 rounds. 
In all outcomes, whatever result I got from playing the game from the first time I played it to the 9th time I played it within that round, the result would be the same: If I lost the first game, I would continue to loose the game all 9 other times I played for all 9 rounds I played (or so I was beginning to think so because I had lost all 9 games in rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). 
During this experiment, I did find that it was only on the 7th round of playing 9 games in a row, that I had won 2 games; one at the start of the 7th round, played 7 losses, won one more, before playing the 9th game in that round. 
Now I don't know about you, but to me my findings where intriguing, to say the very least, given that: 

7 + 2 = 9

I won the 1st game on the 7th round and then won the 8th game:  

1 + 8 = 9

I lost all games on the 8th round and all games on the 9th round, but as soon as I got back to playing the 10th round (or 1st again) I had won the first game I played.

Number 9 Code

Main-stream Science (Quantum Physics, to be exact) is now recognising the existence of parallel realities, which they say, exist only through the possibility of outcomes based on the decisions we make in our day to day lives, such as: "Do I go for a walk right now? Should I stay home? or go visit a friend?"

Whatever decisions you make now in this reality, there are alternate realities with other possible outcomes that can occur based on what conscience decision for your actions you have made in this one.

So what happens with the other possible outcomes which could have occurred based on the other decisions you could have made?
Well, they have to go somewhere, specially if you are looking at the possibilities of alternate realities in a mathematical way, so another layer of reality becomes apparent (just like a decimal point moves forward or back in numbers in a mathematical equation)... so on and so on, until, every possible path of decisions that could have been made are complete with outcomes attached, branching out to complete each layer.

There has been some speculation into the theory of perhaps trying to eliminate all other possible realities (upon there discovery) by having these alternate realities collapse into one apparent reality, being the reality of what we have physically through life come to experience(or as some like to call it, "living in the NOW") would be to think of every decision we make and their every possibility of outcomes which could occur by consciously choosing the path which we would prefer to go on, But, in consciously giving thought to paths or decision and there very many possible outcomes would require one to pause in time to think and in doing so, opening a gap in space and time, as brief or as long as it may be in "Real Time", to mentally live through those decisions and some of the outcomes, subconsciously causing feelings of emotions to rise within us which generally is the ruler of what path way one will choose or make a decision on.

To give thought to possible outcomes is to give life to those very many possibilities, whether you live them of not, those possibilities are real and exist to occur in one of the many other layers of alternate realities.

Now back to the Number 9.

Perhaps we live in the 9th dimension of realms, or maybe we live our lives in a cycle of 9, where we repeat the same mistake 9 times before we begin to see results.
Whatever the case is, one thing is for-sure, that is, the number 9 appears every where you go, it is in everything you see, feel, touch and smell in this reality and there is no denying that the number 9 is a very powerful number within this realm of existence.

By D-Ali

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