Sunday, 15 December 2013


I am on the train, sitting down on a window seat. Facing the opposite direction to the way the train is travelling.

Looking around as I usually do, I have realised that I have caught the last pack of peak hour travellers.

There are so many different looking types of people and surprisingly enough, I caught the eyes of a young lady who has big beady eyes, similar to the ones you see on the aliens depicted from the t.v. show "The x files"..

I try to look away, but it's as though her eyes have got a hold of me some how and I can't. Is she trying to say something to me through her eyes?


"I know you know... you know something that most others fail to see," I hear in my thoughts. Clearly not my own. "I am not just one, but one of many and that is only a minuit part of the bigger picture. We have been working hard to integrate amongst your kind for centuries. It is only in the last century that we have been successful in finding a way and it is working."

Right at that point as the last word entered my thoughts, our contact broke and my eyes where diverted over to another young lady sitting closer to me on my right.
She's dressed well, wearing a simple yet elegant black dress with large gold and bras jewelry, I guess to match the colour of her hair which is golden honey blond and her slightly tanned completion.
However, my eyes widen with a sense of disbelief surging through me. The female I have diverted my eyes to, has surprisingly similar features to the female I made eye contact with. Her eyes, the shape of her head, the  thinness of her figure, the colour of her eyes, the unusual smoothness of her skin, like it has been made to fit like glove then further trimmed and pulled back, the same dull limpness of the hair, with the same hair length and cut...

"I was staring, look away, look away!!" I think to myself, (obviously with my own inner voice).

Trying not to shake my head in disbelief as I look away, I've immediately caught my own eyes staring back at me from my reflection in the window I am sitting by, "YEP, that's it. Just look out the window," I just told myself.

Staring out the window, I can see people get up off there seats one group at a time with each train station stopped at.

"Not long to go now, halfway there", I'm thinking as the train draw's closer to another station to let passengers off. I look away from the window to the other to see the name of the train station which is coming up.

The train is coming to a complete stop, I look around to see a sign that names the station, instead, what am I seeing, the one girl I made eye contact with, get up off her seat.  She's glancing over to the other girl she made my eyes divert to, they're getting off their seats simultaneously, walking to the same exit and getting off at the same stop!! They are taking their first step onto the platform the same time, with the same foot first, right then left.

They appear to be strangers, but their similarities... The way they look (appearances) and the way they walk (gliding) through the ticket point at there exit, briefly looking at each other with no expression as they part ways in the opposite directions...

Just watching them, with consideration to the passing thoughts I just had throughout my train journey from the moment I made eye contact with "one of them" has sent a horribly terrifying feeling through my entire body.

What an experience.
It's left me with so many questions.

Why did my mind single out those two particular people?
Looking around, after that experience, I can notice so many different types of species of humans. I am living in a multi-cultural state, so seeing different people who come from the same background integrating into society while managing to segregate themselves to certain parts of the state where others of similar cultural backgrounds are, is nothing new. So, why, on this occasion has it left me feeling so terrified?

Are different species of alien beings cross breading themselves with the human species, behind close doors, to create a race of super beings to partake in this realm of life because their realm of reality has collapsed within their dimension? If so, what was the cause of the collapse within their dimension?

Is the reason why we have so many different types of species living on this planet due to the collapse of many dimensions on a variety of timelines throughout space that has caused different breeds of beings to escape into this realm to find sanctuary with the opportunity to grow in numbers within Earths caves, forests, coasts and wide rangers of open lands?
Maybe, the great ancestors of our great ancestors where all descendents of the stars? So they all came from somewhere within our galaxy but where travelling at different speeds and different frequencies to one anothere, even when on Earth until they where discovered by other beings and where forced to adjust there speed and frequency of the discoverers so that their existence would be recognised giving them a purpose for life... I guess they could just as easily disapear if they no longer felt like valued participants of the modern world... Maybe??

All that we see with our own eyes is believed to be true by the viewer, so if I can see so many different racial species around me, it would only be natural for me to assume that they are made up of the same particulars, with the same level of frequency discharge and absorption, combined with water and magnetism to physically and emotionally feel the bondage restraints of the gravitational pull towards the Earths surface, as I do?

I am human, aren't I?

Wow!! All this thought inside my head in a 15minute train ride home.

I'm at my stop now. End of the line.
Till next time...

By Dee Ali