Monday 2 September 2013

G'day Mate :)

Well, good morning, good afternoon and good evening to all.

With Election Day just around the corner, it would be appropriate of me to write something profound. Perhaps something about politics and how you can never trust a politician, maybe something about the fact that if you look at the greater picture you will see that although both parties appear to be battling it out to have the most votes to gain a leadership position in parliament, they are actually playing on the same field, in the same game, for the same audience, on the same team.  

It bothers me to think that there are so many blind people out there in the world today. It seems to me that most have forgotten what really matters in life. 


The more I grow, I see more and more value put on Money than anything else in this world and it shits me to tears. 
The young are growing into greed and willingly turning themselves into slaves for it. (Now, that's a scary thought).

To think that all young are worshiping this material thing and turning themselves to the mercy of money because of all they see and are brought up to believe (on a deeper level), money is their savior, "the more you have the better off you will be", without money, you can not enjoy the little fine things in life, such as catching up with friends over a cup of coffee, or, have a roof over your head, eat, drink clean water, have access to technology that is considered an essential part of life these days, have clean clothes, or even have any clothes to wear in order to be accepted into this fucked up world we live in these days, that we have come to call reality. 

Lets face it, this world really is SHIT!! 

Until some Polly comes out telling the truth about how they plan to take this country into the "NEW WORLD ORDER" instead of "beating around the bush" with their empty promises and lies, no one has my vote.

I can't wait for the day when honesty prevails over deceit. 

Anyway, thats my crazy rant complete for today. 

All the best to every person who took the time out to read it.

As a final note from me: 
Always remember,
what ever is what ever,
And so what ever shall always be.
But, What ever can be done always has the capability of being undone.

May GOD be with you all, who or what ever your GOD may be.